Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just 25 Cents

You might be wondering why I would post about Vegas. This past week I was in Vegas, Nevada to promote the work of Global Orphan Outreach. I have never been to Vegas up to this point and admit that when I got here it was like stepping into Oz. (were not in Kansas anymore Toto). Especially since I was just in Liberia. I felt uncomfortable around such vast financial (some call it wealth and I would call it wastefulness) resources.

The huge difference between buildings and needs here vs there…

The differences between the hotel I stayed at in Liberia vs the one I stayed at in Vegas..

Yes there are now some very fancy hotels going up in Liberia marketing to tourist. Yes Liberia has wealth in some areas too. You will notice when traveling in Liberia several fancy hotels going up especially along the ocean. Please know I do not speak out against these establishments. They are great hotels. Just noticing the vast difference between unmet needs of Liberia for example and the vast abundance and over use of wealth that could be better used elsewhere in my opinion.

I didn’t leave Vegas on the day I was supposed to so stayed at a hotel. That night as I waited for my dinner order, I watched the people coming and going into the casinos. I wondered what brought them here, why spend their money on gambling, and what would they have left when they were done. What would they have to show for it?

I don’t judge people’s entertainment method and certainly I feel blessed to be born in America. I don’t believe in financial equality for all like a Liberal voter might. However, couldn’t there be more balance in how we view what we do have? Could you imagine what could be done with every quarter being stuck into a slot machine vs being given to a child in need of a meal?

It’s time we all evaluate what we have and what we do. How effective are you in the humanities of this world? Do you want to be effective? Do you care? Time – Talent – Treasure… what will you do with what you have? It starts with just 25 cents! The power of humanity!!

This is Michael Brown who played for the Chicago Bulls. He now runs a non-profit for inner city youth who are in gangs. Michael teaches these kids that the gang violence they are involved in is no different than the genocide involved in Liberia during the war that the youth were involved in during the Liberian wars. He actually takes a few kids each year to Liberia to meet some of these child soldiers who have been mentored and changed. These kids learn much from the kids (who are now adults) about the senselessness of their ways. And these kids come back changed and spread the word to help stop the violence in their communities in Chicago. What an awesome man and awesome work.

One last picture- You would think this would be me in the jungles of Africa. Not so. Haha. This was me by a guy dressed tribal to promote the Lion King Theater performance.

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