Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Orphan Grain Project Event

SEPTEMBER 18, 2010
5:00 TO 8:00 P.M .
800 East Avenue

Contact Kari at 651-206-7935/Denise at 651-491-4847 for tickets or more information

Come hear about Liberia as we share our experiences and the culture we
became acquainted with; and be a part of a project that will change the
lives of hundreds of disadvantaged women and children in Liberia.

DINNER: $15 per ticket at the door/$13 if purchased prior to September 18th. Tickets are
limited and nonrefundable.
PRESENTATION: Information will be shared with you about Liberia and its people including
their daily struggles and the projects we are advocating for that will enable them to be self sufficient
in obtaining food, education, and self supporting family income.
SILENT AUCTION: (5:00-7:00) Includes items that were hand-made by the women and
children in Liberia, along with donations from local and Liberian artists, and items that have
been donated by people and merchants from the local community.
ENTERTAINMENT: Music performed by Melody Haege.

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