Wednesday, December 22, 2010

he is asking for a widows mite this Christmas..

Dear Donna,
Best greetings and wish you all other blessings for this Seasons celebrations. I am in serious situation with my arms as a disabled. I am loosing my arms and as a result, feel a heavy pain in them. I have being donated a car that I need to buy the windshade. This will facilitate my movement smoothly. The cost for this wind shade is three hundred twenty five USD. You are the only person I seriously trust and rely on in this case to help me out. Your interest in promoting disabled people World Wide is extremely a strength. It is my plan to take this car to the garage by the 27th of December for this repair work. I am really in need of a car. Please give your widow's mite. I am grateful for this gesture.My coming to Cuttington will be a joy instead of worry and sadness. Thanks for being my help in time past and up to present.God richly bless you. Yours truly, Peter Mulubah

Dear Donna,
I am pretty glad for your concern and willingness to help in the coming months. What I have now for this worthy cause is one hundred USD. I am using that amount now to take the car to garage even before the 27th I mentioned earlier.The balance is two hundred twenty five dollars to complete the process.

Though end of the year comes with many things, I am at your feet like Mary sitting at the Feet of Jesus listening for the Word she urgently needed for her soul. That is me at the moment. Please rescue me .Your willingness to give your widow's mite will strengthen me to get my car from the garage for use. My health issue now as I speak worries me especially my difficult movement.

Coming months are really far but I can not help it because the earliest time is the best time to arrest the situation. I look forward to your good will gesture. Thanks for your love and concern for me and many other disabled people.
Peter Mulubah

Dear Donna,
How are you this morning? I wish all is well with you and dear family.The happy Seasons are additional advantage of that happiness.

Please remember my request as you have asked me to update you on my vehicle problem. Right now the car is in the garage but the only hold on is the balance two hundred
twenty five dollars. I am sure you can be a help as far as my trust in you is concerned. I am again on my way to the garage to see about other small electrical works. With the one hundred I had I am seriously working with it and I have only twenty dollars left. Your willingness to pull me out this heat will allow fresh air to blow on me as a disabled.

Please timely consider me and let me be happy for this World Celebrations-Christmas. May God bless you for your kind generosity with my ears open to you. Thanks

Peter Mulubah

*Is there anyone that will hear the plight of this poor man and help him this holiday season? I met him in Liberia at Cuttington University. He is disabled. Conditions are hard for the handicap there. Let me know if it is you that God is calling to help him in any way you can. Thank you.

"It isnt the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it"

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